Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Fire

O.K. I am creating the cardinal sin according to one of our friends the Jaussi's. I have been so busy with so many things that I haven't kept up on my blog and I want to be able to post stories about what gone on over the last few weeks so I am doing multiple postings in one day. Sorry Jason ;)!!
A few years ago Russell bought a fire pit to be able to have fires in our yard. We were driving home from having dinner at the in laws on this Sunday night and someone who lived by them was having a fire and so Russell and I decided that for Family night we would have a fire ourselves. When Russ got home from work and the sun went down we pulled out the pit and put it in the driveway. Our neighbors were driving down the road and so we invited them to come and sit with us. It was a lot of fun!! We sat and talked and ate Smores.
O.K. I am sure its just because I am the mom but I got Betty dressed to got out for the fire and she looked so dang cute I had to take some pictures of her!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I'm so glad you blogged again. Betty is getting so big. Looks like your family has been doing lots of fun stuff this fall.