Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scarecrow Festival

Last night for Family Night the Kids and I went to the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point with one of my very best friends Shaleen and her family. We had so much fun!! There were a lot of fun games, entertainment and good food!!

While we were there we ran into Shawn Bradley. For those of you who know Jay you know he is very tall, Russell goes to his shoulder and as you can see he looks short compared to Jay. He is 7; 6". Shaleen asked him if he had any kids and he said yes 6 - 4 girls and 2 boys in that order. He said that his oldest it 14 and the next daughter is 12 Shaleen asked if they were tall and he said that the 14 year old daughter is 5' 11" and the 12 year old is 5' 9" - can you believe that I know I am not tall but to have a 12 year old that is 5" taller than me its crazy!!
Also my neighbor behind me helped put the fundraiser on and when it was over he brought my family pumkins and cornstocks from the event!! Thanks Mike for being so thoughtful!!
Thanks Shaleen for inviting us for a fun night out with the family!!


Debra Goodey said...

What a fun time! I'm sure Jay is not use to looking up at many people.

Becky Rasmussen said...

I love Halloween and am amazed out how many fun activities there are to choose from. It's too bad they all cost money so you can't hit them all!
I used to play volleyball with Shawn Bradley's sister Adrian. She's a tall chick. 6'2'' I think.

Dave and Sherri said...

Wow! It's amazing how much I miss when my internet is down for a while :) I love your new posts! You take some fun pictures!

Us Craven's said...

Mindy! What a cute family you have! I miss seeing you! Your boys are getting so big- it is crazy! Tell everyone Hi from me!