Saturday, June 28, 2008

Greene's are finally seeing PINK

Betty Faye is FINALLY here!
Mindy, I hope you don't mind that Ginny and I collaborated and figured out how to sign into your blog to do a post :) We're just so excited that your beautiful Betty is here!
Last night at 2 am Mindy started having some pretty heavy contractions. Because of 3 previous trips to the hospital and being turned away, she decided to wait it out. By 4 am things were really bad so Russ insisted she go in. Once she got to the hospital she was dilated to a 6... Too late to try to turn her breach baby Betty... Poor Mindy had to wait for the anesthesiologist to come to the hospital from home since, until her, his services weren't needed. Once he got there and Mindy was all numbed up - Baby Betty was born via Cesarean section at 6:45 am. Mindy said it's a terrible way to have a baby. I guess Betty's feet were wrapped around her head which would have made it impossible to turn her anyway.
Betty came in weighing 5 pounds 11 ounces and is 18 inches long. She has auburn hair, which I have to admit I am super jealous about!!! She is absolutely gorgeous (just like her mother)! She is doing well but the doctors are having her blood sugars checked every 2 hours just to be safe. Mindy is also doing okay. I just can't believe how amazing she looks in her picture!
We are all excited for you! You guys did a great job! All the waiting and heart ache looks like it was worth it.

Love you tons!
PS- Ginny, thanks for the great pictures!

Monday, June 16, 2008

100% Pure Princess

Look at what a Beautiful Baby Girl and mom, its so not fair that anyone looks this good after just having a baby!! On Thursday June 12th one of my best friends Sherri had her baby!! I was so excited for her! We have both been in a "race" to see who would have our baby's first!! She obviously won which is a good thing as much as I want to hold Baby Betty I am glad that she has a little more time to fully developed so that I can bring her home with me!! Sherri Named her little girl Jaylee Lynne and can you believe all that blond hair!! She will be able to clip bows in her hair today!! What a doll!!!

Hunter and Easton also enjoyed being able to hold her and ever since we came home they have been saying I miss Betty when do we get to hold her and when is she coming out of your tummy!! Really Soon!!

What a fast learner

About two weeks ago Hunter came to Russell and I and said that he had a dream that he could ride his bike without his training wheels and could we please take them off. Of course Russell and I just laughed and that afternoon Russ move the wheels up so that they weren't touching the ground unless he tipped to one side.

Then on Saturday June 7th our neighbor boy Briant came over to show Hunter his new bike that he had gotten that day and Hunter told Russ that he wanted a new bike and Russ told him that when he could ride his bike without training wheels he would buy him a new one so he said to take them off. Wouldn't you know it he took right off.

I tried to get some pictures of Russ holding the bike but it was too dark but the next morning I took some pictures of him and he has been able to ride his bike without the training wheels ever since. I guess I know what we will be getting him for his birthday!

Kids boating

This Saturday Russell and I decided to take advantage of the HEAT and take the kids boating. The only problem is that there was really nothing for the kids to do but swim or sit in the boat so we went out and bought a tube for the kids to ride in. Russell and I are trying to decide if that was a mistake or not because we were not able to get the kids out of the water without them throwing fits because they had so much fun!!

They had so much fun!! Look at their smiles!! Russell said that it was worth giving up the "glass" water to see them having so much fun!!