Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hunters 1st Motorcycle Ride

Today we went to my mom's house and my parents pulled up on my dad's motorcycle and Hunter was so excited. We have been trying to find someone who had a motorcycle to take him for a ride for almost a year. So when they pulled up my dad said that he would take him so we put a helmet on him and off they went. He said that he was scared before they drove off and when they got back he said because he had practiced that he knew he could do it again. We will have to see what Grandpa is doing next time we go over. Maybe we can talk him into taking Hunter for a ride again now that he is "practiced".


Dave and Sherri said...

OH!!! So sweet! It's fun to have some pictures of your dad too. What a fun memory!

Ginny Connelly said...

Wow!! How did you get so lucky. I'm glad 'papa' got to take Hunter for a ride on the motorcycle. He will never forget that. :)