Does that not look Yummy or what?? For our Relief Society Birthday Dinner I signed up to do a cake for the month of July and then I got a phone call that 2 people signed up for July and could I do March! I was thinking March?? So this is what I did. Well you can't see the inside but the fun thing about this cake is that when you cut into it the cake is GREEN!! It tasted dang good and I had a request to take a picture of it and how it turned out so here it is!! LOL!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Does that not look Yummy or what?? For our Relief Society Birthday Dinner I signed up to do a cake for the month of July and then I got a phone call that 2 people signed up for July and could I do March! I was thinking March?? So this is what I did. Well you can't see the inside but the fun thing about this cake is that when you cut into it the cake is GREEN!! It tasted dang good and I had a request to take a picture of it and how it turned out so here it is!! LOL!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hunters Kindergarten Checkup
Today my pour sweet Hunter had to go in for his Kindergarten check up. For those of you who don't know him he is deathly afraid of needles and shoots (well what kids not??) but it has to be done so we drove him in and he cried all the way there. Once we got there thank goodness dad was there to help and support him on this scary day. I went in and talk to the front desk nurse and asked if we could do the shots first and get them over with (thanks for the advice Sherri) and they said yes so they prepared the shots and called us in. As soon as Hunter seen the needles on the table he started to scream cry and ran for the door. We had to stop him and Russell had to hold him with a big bear hug on his lap while the nurse gave him his 3 shots!
As you can see in the first picture even after several minuets he was still really up set. So we measured how tall he is 46.25"and how much he weighs 42.8 lbs. and by this time he had calmed down and in came Dr. Piper (Weipert) and then he had Hunter show off for him showing him how he can write his name, stand on one foot, squat down, stand on his toes and hills, and count to 10 and know all his numbers and letters. Now he is all ready to start Kindergarten can you believe it!
It was cute the nurse told him that now he can go to Kindergarten and he said Yup no more preschool I will start Kindergarten tomorrow :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Our Print in the World!
Today one of Russell's friends came to our house and poured the concrete pad behind our house. I was doing my never ending laundry and after a few minuets thought its too quite where are the boys. So I went out to look for them and found them helping do the concrete. The guys were great and let them but as you know it looked like kids had done it and one of they guys said we are going to let them do this section and leave their print on the pad and I said no it needs to look good but then I thought, Hey lets do their hand prints while its wet! So with the help of Derek (thanks) we put their hand prints in the corner! I am so glad to have this cherished memory and reminder of how small my sweet kids were at one time, every time I go out side in the back yard!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Fun Filled Day!
Today we had a fun filled day! We got up early this morning and went shooting skeet with Dallin and Lauren ( I guess if you call in shooting. We were there for 15 min. and my mom's dog that we were dog sitting ran off and we spent the last 30 min looking for her and then had to leave) Sorry Dallin!!
Then we came home and JP&R was working in our yard and the kids wanted to watch and sit in the sun while we have some so we sat them in the back of Russell's truck and they watched the guys work in the yard with their tractors.
After that we all went to the Outdoor Show. It was a lot of fun. We went with the entire Greene family and walked around the show. As soon as we got to the show Shelly and Steve took Betty and off they went, it was cute. Steve held her through most of the show and when we finally caught up to them he had gotten her all kinds of free stuff. He got her the necklace that she is wearing and it was so cute it fit her hat perfectly. As we were getting ready to go the kids saw a part of the show where people brought their dogs and they would throw a catch dummy into a pool of water and see how high and far the dog would jump so I took the opportunity to get some pics of them watching the dogs.
Once we got home we ate dinner and then all relaxed and watched a movie on TV. It was cute to see the boys laying on the floor and I had to get a picture and to also document that they can actually sit still and not wrestle when they are around each other! What a fun day!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Betty gets teeth!!!
Can you believe it my little girl is growing up!! She has her 2 bottom teeth. This is a good and a bad thing! The good thing is she can eat more foods and well its just plain cute. This is a bad thing because I am still nursing and well 2 nights ago at 11:00 at night she woke up hungry so I started to feed her and she bit me! If it wasn't 11:00 I promise the entire neighborhood probably would have heard it! needless to say I am sooo swollen and sore that every time I go to feed her again I want to cry. So last night I tried to give her a bottle because I just couldn't nurse her it hurt too bad and well after a while she finally took the bottle because I think she finally figured that it was all she was going to get. Hopefully I can get her to take a bottle for a few more days and give me time to heal!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Fun With Aunt Ginny
There's something about Ginny! I am so blessed to have such an amazing sister!! I love her so much. For the first few years of my married life I would see my sister at family functions and we would chat every once in a while but we weren't that close. I remember when I was pregnant with Hunter she called me a little more and then a day after Hunter was born she helped unpack my house with my mom because he was born 1 day after moving into our new home. From that day on she called me every day. I was so excited and looked forward to her phone calls every morning before I started my day. It soon got to the point to where if I didn't hear from her by a certain time I would call her!
It has been almost 6 years and we still talk to each other at least once a day and most of the time twice if not more! I am so grateful for my sweet sister! She is one of the most kind hearted loving person I know. She is always doing for others and touching peoples lives all around her. She one of my best friends and I am so blessed to have her in my life. My kids also love her so much! My boys always ask when they can play with her girls and I only wish that they lived a little closer so that we could spend more time together.
Last Sunday we went to my moms for my nephews birthday party (Happy Birthday Jayden) and Ginny was holding Betty and playing with her and she was laughing and smiling! I had to get pictures of it because it was so cute and because I have pictures of her playing with my boys where they were babies having them laugh and smile and I couldn't miss out on this one as well.!! Thank you so much for being such a great Aunt and Sister!! I Love you Ginny!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This is a tribute to one of my very best friends!! Today is her birthday and I wanted to take a few minuets to say how glad I am that she was born!!! She has been such a blessing to me in my life. She is everything that a best friend could ever be!
Sherri is truly amazing at everything she does!! She is an amazing mother, friend, wife and anything other kind of title she has been given! She has truly blessed my life! I don't know what I would do with out having the blessing of her in my life because that is what she is a blessing!!
Sherri you are one of a kind! There is no one else in this world who is as amazing as you are! You magnify everything that you do and make anything and everything you do or are involved in better! You are so Christ like. You set such a good example for me and you make me a better person! I love how positive you are! It doesn't matter what is going on you always seem to see the good in it and I love that about you! You are so kind, giving and loving!
I love our shopping trips, phone calls and outings! Its a blast hanging out with you and my kids just love to come to your home and play with your girls! Thank you for being a friend to laugh with, cry with, celebrate with, morn with! Thank you for donating your talents to helping me with all my projects over the years and for always being there for me and my family no matter what and for loving me the way that I am! I am so glad that we are friends and that you are a part of my life!! Happy Birthday!!
Love Mindy
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