Monday, November 3, 2008

Betty's 4 Month Doctor's Appointment

Today was Betty's 4 month doctors appoinment. I love her doctor, the nurses are amazing and Dr. Weipert is so cute with the kids. At each of Betty's doctors appointments he always tells them that today is a special day its big brother day and if they are good they will get a sticker and a sucker.
So Betty now weighs in at 9 lbs 7 oz (which is less than 5%) and is 22.75 inches long (which is in the 10%).

1 comment:

Debra Goodey said...

Wow, she is so tiny. That's why I love her so much. Justin was born at 9 lbs even and was 22 inches long. He could hold up his head right from birth. I felt robbed of a new born. Betty is just so precious!