Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloween Season Begins

For Family Home Evening tonight we took the kids to the store to pick out their pumpkin's. They came home and carved them with dad. He has gotten really good over the years at carving the kids pumpkins for the kids and as they get older they seem to pick the harder patterns to do on their pumpkins. I have to say I think he did pretty good job and the kids had a lot of fun. I am so excited to be able to do all the fun Halloween stuff we do each year! Yea for Halloween!!


Anonymous said...

Halloween is great even if you dont liek scary stuff but did you know that the cold air actually wilts carved pumpkins? Hopefully it wont cause I really want to come see those fantastical things!

Dave and Sherri said...

You're an amazing mom, you know that? Your kids are So lucky to have you!

Debra Goodey said...

Hooray for October! Great pumpkins and darling kids!!!