Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Betty's New Thing...

So Betty is teething and likes to chew on things, when I am holding her she likes to grab onto my arm and suck on me. The other night we went to the in laws and I was holding her and she kept sucking on my arm and if I pulled her off she would cry and finally after bruising on both my arms I have decided that she is going to have to find something else to suck on, what do you think??


Dave and Sherri said...

Yea, nice one, blame Betty... We all know it was really Russell :) She is such a cute litte spaz! I love her to death!

Us Craven's said...

Holy cow-she is a little vampire!;)

The Stoddard's said...

That's halarious! My neice did the same thing to my sister, but it was on her neck so you know what that looked like.

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is something my kids never did!