I wanted to do a post so that I wouldn't forget this when Hunter is older. Last week Easton and I were cooking dinner and he was singing songs that he had learned in primary. One of the songs he was singing was The wise man built his house upon the Rock. As we were singing it Hunter came into the room and said hey you are singing it wrong. You know how in the chorus it says the rain came down and the floods came up....
Hunter say's that the song says the rain came down and the flower came up. I tried to ask him what did the part of the song mean that said where the house washed away and he said that he didn't know that all he knew was that it was flower not floods.
Cute Ha??
I also wanted to add Betty said a new word on Saturday. Any guesses??? Yup Shoes. She doesn't say a lot. Well I take that back she has her own language and jibber but there are few words that she says that I under stand and they are Shoe, Pretty, Ba Ba, Mom and Dad, and No.
Its funny she is ALL girl. The people who see her probably think I am an anil mom who likes to dress up my little girl because when we get dressed up nice she will go to the closet and pick out flower and bows and she will go to her jewelry box and get her "pretties" (necklaces and bracelets) She LOVES them. she will stand there and spin with them on saying pretty. She is my doll. I love her and she makes life fun and full of Pretties.
Every mom needs a princess. I didn't truly appreciate my first two until THE WILD THINGS CAME. Now I can't get enough of spoiling Juliette.
Well Shoes is a fabulous word to learn when your little! Enjoy the moments of girlyness they seem to pass to quickly! Love it!Glad you back on the blogging bandwagon!
I'm so glad the flowers are coming up after the rain! So sweet!
Yea, Betty is going to be a girly girl! LOVE IT!!! Girl after my own heart!! Can't wait to take a day and actually go shopping with the girls - how fun will that be??? :)
Too cute!
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