Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Easton!!!

Today is my Sweet Eastons Birthday. He turns 4 years old. He is such a sweet boy. I really feel bad for him and have been worried for a little while because his birthday is so close to Christmas and I didn't want him to feel like he had been jipped. This was definatly not the case. We are throwing him his party on Saturday with all the family but I wanted him to know that on his birthday we were all glad he was born. We let him pick what he wanted to have for dinner, Pizza and then we went and let him pick out his own movie to rent for his birthday.

We also let him open 2 of his birthday presents. He was so excited over them. He gave one to Hunter to open and they opened his motorcycles together and played with them the most of the night. He came running up to Russell and I and gave us big hugs and said thank you for my motorcycle birthday. What a sweetie ha?

So on Saturday we had his friends and family over (except Shelly's we missed you) and they all went sledding down to "grass land" Russell hooked all the kids sleds up to the back of the 4-wheeler and pulled them all over the park. They had so much fun.

When they got done sledding we had Hot Chocolate and goodie bags for all of them and did dinner and gifts with the family after the friend party. Then we opened gifts with everyone.

This is the cake that Easton picked out. When we went to get it I thought to my self $40.00 is alot for a cake and as I picked it up I noticed that they had mistakenly made a 1/2 sheet cake so we had ALOT of cake.
After everyone had eaton as much cake as I could get them to and we loaded them up with cake to take home we were still left with 1/4 sheet of cake. I thought well I guess I will share with the neighbors. ****WRONG****

After cleaning up the party and taking a warm bath to relax for the night I walked out into the living room with Easton saying Hey mom I like this cake and I got my own. It was so cute. He had taken a chunck right out of the middle. I just smiled and as most of you know me I had to pull my camera out again and start snapping pictures. :) Just to give you an idea of how much cake is on his plate. That paper plate is a 10" round plate and it is going off the edge of the plate :)

Happy Birthday Sweet Easton!!!!!!

1 comment:

Dave and Sherri said...

SO FUN! I'm glad Easton had such a great birthday. I love the picture of Hunter "helping" Easton open presents... Looks like my house :)