Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What a tuff kid!!

My Poor Tuff Easton. Today at T-ball pratice Easton was hit in the head with a Baseball bat. When we got to the insta-care They had to do 3 staples in his head.
The Doctor there told Russell that he would have to hold on to him because he was going to numb the area where he was going to give him the staples. When he started Easton didn't cry or even flinch!! He only started to cry when they put the stapes in because he didn't like the sound of the stapler. After they finished everything the doctor pulled Russell aside and told him that he has been a Dr. for 15 years and in all his years he has never seen a kids as tough as Easton. I was so proud of him!!

My Tough Boy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is Tough but what happened that he needed staples?