Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!  The kids woke up to couches full of presents from both Santa, mom and dad, and each other. 
 Betty Loves Dora and she loves to bath.  She will love this new toy!

 Look at all the paper on the floor,  you could almost bury Hunter under it all.

 Each year I like to take a picture of the kids with all the things they got for Christmas.  Here is Hunter with his couch full of gifts from this year.

 Here is Easton with all of his things he got for Christmas.

Here is Betty with all the presents she got this year.

Merry Christmas -2010-

Merry Christmas.  The kids woke up to a couch full of gifts.  They were so excited, Hunter and Easton both got their DS's that they had asked Santa Clause for, for Christmas.  And they had several fun games to on it.  Betty had baby dolls and princess's galore.

 Grandma and Grandpa Greene gave Betty a Shopping Cart with all kinds of food.

 Grandpa and Grandma Greene gave dad a book on trading.  He wants to start tradeing with the stock market and this will help him.

 Grandpa and Grandma Greene gave Hunter and Easton a Cabelas RC truck with a 4-wheeler in the back.  They were driving them all over the house.

 Fun at Grandma Godfrey's Boy did she spoil all of us!!

 Hunter and his couch full of the things he got for Christmas.

 Easton and his couch full of stuff he got for Christmas.

 Betty and her Couch full opf Christmas Stuff.

She was so excited! 
Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Boating Fun

Tis the season

Here are some boating pictures for the last few weeks of all the boating trips with our friends.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Carnival Fun

Every year we take the kids and the Watkins to the City of Fun Carnival durring Steel Days. Here are some pictures of the kids having fun!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What a tuff kid!!

My Poor Tuff Easton. Today at T-ball pratice Easton was hit in the head with a Baseball bat. When we got to the insta-care They had to do 3 staples in his head.
The Doctor there told Russell that he would have to hold on to him because he was going to numb the area where he was going to give him the staples. When he started Easton didn't cry or even flinch!! He only started to cry when they put the stapes in because he didn't like the sound of the stapler. After they finished everything the doctor pulled Russell aside and told him that he has been a Dr. for 15 years and in all his years he has never seen a kids as tough as Easton. I was so proud of him!!

My Tough Boy!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! I hope you all are having fun things planned. We have a neighbor who flies for the Air Force and he was picked or chose to fly his fueling plane over the Provo parade so as he was doing his fly by he flew his plane right over the top of our houses. Have I told you we have the best neighbors around??? What a way to start the morning right!

Then we took the kids to the Provo Parade and of course my favorite part of the parade is when the missionaries who are at the MTC or serving in the Orem mission come and walk by. Its so cool everyone stands and claps for them. They get more attention then anyone else. Here is a picture of Hunter & Easton giving one of them 5.

Here is a picture of Betty and Russell walking back from the Parade to the car. Doesn't she look so cute with her 4th of July Piggies???? On our way to go boating with some of our neighbors! what a fun Day!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Neighborhood 4th of July Party

First of all I wanted to start off by saying we have the BEST neighborhood and Neighbors in the world. We have the most fun for every holiday!

Today was our 4th of July Neighborhood Party. They had a slip and slide that started at the top of the grass hill at the park south of our houses and took you to the middle of the park. Here is a picture of Russell and Betty after the two of them went down the slide.

Betty was going from one of her favorite neighbors to the next all night long. As you can see she was having a lot of fun.

We had BBQ hamburgers, chips, Salads, deserts and Snow Cones.

We Launched Water Ballons to the kids out in the field.
We also did a candy cannon that we were launching candy and glow in the dark bracelets to everyone standing down in the field.

For those who like to dance. Andy was our DJ Playing all sorts of fun songs like: eletric slide, casper slide, all the single ladies and we at one time had most of the neighborhood up danceing.

And of course we ended the night with a bet loss. Oviously Blake lost so he had to show up in daisy dooks and a bellie shirt and go down the slip and slide. As you can see Lori his wife to the right was just a little emberassed! What do you think. Like I said we live in the best neighborhood around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!