Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Today was Hunters Thanksgiving program at school. He was so cute wearing his pilgrims hat that he had made in his class, singing his Thanksgiving songs that he had learned in his class. He was so cute. We were so proud of him.

The next day Easton had his Thanksgiving Class party. One of the things they do in their class besides all the fun crafts they do a Thanksgiving Feast where they have the kids bring in their favorite food and share with everyone. I was impressed this year with what the kids brought between all of them they had quite the full course. Starting with Salad, Mac and Cheese, Spagetti, Apples, Cereal, crackers, carrots and a cupcake. (Easton's was the Cupcake). I wanted to take pictures because I didn't with Hunter and their feast was Hillarious, it was hot dogs, and treat after treat after treat. Eastons class must be filled with much Heathier eaters. :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Sweet Baby Boy

I had to take this picture. Latley I have had to take Betty's bottles and binkis away from Easton. He loves to chew the ends of them off. So I've been hiding them and I was cleaning the house and thought I hadn't heard from him for a while. I went out to check on him and I found him sleeping on the couch with Betty's pink binki in his mouth! I know that he will probably be up set at me when he gets older for taking this but I had too! How cute.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

New addition to the Greene Family.

This weekend we all drove to Jackson Hole so that Misty could get married at Ox Bow Bend. It was exciting to see the snow come down and has gotten me in the Christmas mood. The 32 degree's was little cold for an out door wedding but it was BEAUTIFUL. Congratulations Misty and Don! As many of you know I love to take pictures and then come home and play with them on the computer so I have attached some of the pictures I took after wedding. I was so sad that not even 1/2 way into the pictures my camera batteries died. I would have liked to take some more. Oh well.